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Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business

Free Delivery Orders Over HK$1000 (Hong Kong Areas) ; HK$2500 (Macau Areas) ; SGD800 (Singapore Areas)

Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business

Free Delivery Orders Over HK$1000 (Hong Kong Areas) ; HK$2500 (Macau Areas) ; SGD800 (Singapore Areas)

Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business

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【Sami- Odi 15%OFF】

Purchase Sami-Odi  enjoy 15%OFF


 Products at Promotion Period could not enjoy extra member discount


🗓Promotion period until 30/4/2024


Barossa Valley is the birthplace of Australian Shiraz, but Fraser McKinley strives for purer and more balanced wines. He has previously collaborated with Standish Wine Company and Torbreck. In 2006, he established a small winery called Sami-Odi, producing limited quantities of top-tier Shiraz wines. The motivation behind Sami-Odi is to produce wines without adding acid, with a strong focus on pH stability. Fascinatingly, the wines produced by Fraser are approachable even in their youth. Unfortunately, Sami-Odi produces very few wines, and they are imported and sold by the "parcel" rather than the "case."

Dallwitz is the most precious vineyard within the winery, neighboring Eben-Ezer and Walla Walla. Every inch of the land has been cultivated by the Hoffmann family's ancestors. The oldest vines were planted as early as 1912, but it wasn't until 1995-1996 that they were transplanted to their own vineyard, producing the finest and most delicate grapes.

Region: Barossa Valley, Australia 

Grape Varietal: 100% Syrah